Thursday, February 11, 2010

Save Me. I'm lost.

I've come to the unfortunate realization that life moves on, whether I'm ready for it or not.

This very basic concept has me scared, petrified actually, to the point where I feel paralyzed. Those who know me well know that I don't cope very fabulously with change. It usually has its way of creeping in and disabling most of my necessary cognitive and logical functions. And, as I ready myself for graduation and a hard and fast trip to the real world, I'm coming to find that this proves no different.

While it appears that most of my friends have plans lined up for them after graduation, either grad school or an internship or a job, I seem to be one of the few who had absolutely no answer to the question "what next?". I'm so sick of not having any goals. Yet, while this alone would be motivation enough for somebody normal to get on the internet and start looking for a future, I'm sitting around hoping that I'll be struck by some divine epiphany and know exactly what I want to do and where I want to go.

Another problem fueling all this indecision is my boyfriend Drew, who will be going to Med school in the fall. We just don't know where. I don't want to get established in a city where he isn't. I know the toils of being in a long-distance relationship, and I really don't think he understands how scared I am that him leaving might absolutely ruin the good thing we have going. I really am ridiculously in love with him.

Did I mention I'm graduating with a degree in Communication Arts? I have the kind of background to go into television or film, but I can't honestly say that I'd enjoy either of those professions. Even if I did, I wouldn't know where to begin. Maybe I should be asking you (if anybody even reads this) for advice. Where do I begin?

1 comment:

  1. Well, i'm reading this! :o)

    I don't know how good my advice can be, seeing as I have no college degree. But the best thing you can do is follow your instincts. Do what makes you happy!

    That's why you went to school, so you could get a job doing what you love! Don't do something if it doesn't make you happy!

    Ok?! :)
