I've recently been spending a lot of time on Craigslist looking for apartments. My apartment search is over; however, the absolute vastness of Craigslist itself has peaked my interest, and I have found myself exploring the other areas of the site. What I have discovered, though am not really surprised by, is that people try to sell some WEIRD stuff on the internet. The following list will plead my case:
1.) 50-cent hot air popcorn popper (no cover) -- It has always been my dream to let the popcorn explode all over the kitchen. At least it's a good price
2.) Entertainment Weekly (1,000 issues) - $50 -- I don't necessarily think Entertainment Weekly is weird, but the very nature of the magazine makes even last week's issue outdated. Thus, not worth my fifty bucks.
3.) PORTA POT-POLY JOHN - $325 -- "Seldom used" according to the ad. The pefect addition to any home! Keeps those pesky visitors in check. Instead of having to clean your bathroom, just send them to the port-a-potty in the back yard.
4.) Rabbit manure for your gardens! -- Good thing it's free, because I wouldn't pay for that crap. Get it? Crap? ;-)
5.) pulpit - $75 -- For those entrepreneurial religious types.
6.) ELECTRIC TWIN HOSPITAL BED W/MATTRESS - $150 -- A must-have for the ill and elderly!
7.) Nice Toothbrush Holder and Soap Dish Set -- There are some items that I feel one should just cut his losses and take to Goodwill...
8.) Burial Crypt for 2 - $4600 -- Now the real question is if the person selling this is getting divorced, or has she just decided she isn't going to die? Also, this is just plain creepy.
9.) Doggie Dooley waste disposal system - $20 -- "Works like a Septic Tank." What ever happened to the good ol' days when our parents would use cereal boxes to collect the dog poop?
10.) RailRoad Signal Light -- What the hell!? Did somebody steal this? And if so, are we prepared for an inevitable train crash?
11.) Pepsi/Hardees Plastic Ruler for the Collector -- It's a plastic ruler. Cut your losses and throw it out. Especially if you're only looking to sell it for $1.
I think I rest my case. Maybe I'll look again in the future and make a Part 2.